We welcome back Jim “Trixter” Leonard for another Notacon/PixelJam. Trixter has been involved since we assisted in hosting BlockParty and has repeatedly shown us amazing history and information about classic computing systems. He will treat us again with “Admiring one of IBM’s biggest mistakes: The PCjr!”
Who do you feel would benefit most from your presentation?
Anyone who is interested in vintage computer history or the start of PC gaming, as the PCjr was a solid footnote in both.
Why do you believe your topic is important and/or interesting to Notacon participants?
The story of the PCjr is interesting as a cautionary tale of unexpected consequences: What can go wrong when too many cooks spoil the soup, trying to invent a niche, and also how your actions can steer an entire industry even when your ship is sinking.
What about participating in Notacon attracted you the most?
I’ve both enjoyed and given presentations in the past. NOTACON remains one of my favorite casual gatherings of people who are both creative and technical.
Join us for this talk and many others as well as games, events and contests at Notacon 10!